
Archive for September 18th, 2006|Daily archive page

Automatic Restart After Windows Update – Solution

In IT, Tips N Tricks, Windows XP on September 18, 2006 at 4:18 pm

On one of my early postings titled Automatic Update After Windows Update I’ve talked about this annoying and sometimes detrimental effect of Windows automatically restarting after updating itself and the way the dialog box has been designed to accidentally accept the “Restart Now” button.

Colin Angus Mackay has found a solution for this to postpone the prompting dialog from popping up every 10 minutes. Here is the solution at a glimpse.

  • Click “Start” button
  • Click the “Run” menu
  • Type “gpedit.msc” (without quotes) and hit ENTER
  • Your Group Policy console will launch with “Local Computer Policy” node expanded
  • Expand the “Computer Configuration” node 
  • Expand the “Administrative Templates” node
  • Expand the “Windows Components” node
  • Select the “Windows Update” node 
  • On the right side of the pane double click the “Re-prompt for restart with scheduled installations” and make it enabled with the number of minutes you want the prompting to be suppressed.
  • It requires a restart of your machine to take into effect.

Pretty neat. Read the full article here.

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10 Foods For Better Health

In Health on September 18, 2006 at 3:24 pm

Food Network has a list of 10 foods that are good for your health.

On a bulleted list, here are those,

  1. Berries 
  2. Citrus
  3. Vegetables
  4. Whole Grains
  5. Salmon
  6. Legumes
  7. Nuts and Seeds
  8. Lean Proteins
  9. Tea
  10. Olive Oil

Check out the full list here.

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How A Book Gets Printed?

In General, IT on September 18, 2006 at 3:43 am

Chris Sells, takes us thru the printing process of his latest book “Windows Forms 2.0 Programming” with pictures.

Its pretty amazing to see such huge machines and how they get that all together.

Take a look at here.

Thanks Chris for the book and for sharing the pictures. The book was great. One of the best reads.

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Web 2.0 Companies Imagery

In General on September 18, 2006 at 3:08 am

Here is an imagery of Web 2.0 companies. I’m pretty sure that the list must have grown to another page by now. Have a look.

(Click on the above image to view an expanded/full image)

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I’m All Set For My FiOS Internet Connection

In IT, Misc, Tools on September 18, 2006 at 2:35 am

Here is a very decent site that tells you your internet connection speed, both upstream and downstream. It requires you enable JavaScript on your browser (if you use NoScript extension). Give it a try here.

I’m a long time Comcast high-speed internet customer. They claim that they have the fastest connection speed. To a certain level I agree…yes. But not always. It depends on how many of your neighbors use the same cable service for their connectivity. My local connection speed on my machine says 100.0 Mbps. But I know it’s not 100 Mbps for sure as I, at times, have to wait for few seconds to minutes to download a page. Particularly this was true at the time when my neighbors are up and using the service (mostly daytime).

For a proof I used the above service to find out about my true internet connection speed and here is the report.

(Click on the above image to view an enlarged/readable image)

Just by looking at the above report you can easily notice that I’m not getting any way closer to the claimed 100.0 Mbps download speed. No way closer. And my upload speed is even worst.

Now, Verizon offers FiOS (Fiber Optic Service) in my local area (thank you Verizon). And there were 2 options with FiOS. You can get 5.0 Mbps and 15.0 Mbps downstream speed. And for the downstream speeds you’ll get 2.0 Mbps upstream speed. The cool thing about FiOS is that you get the full speed that Verizon claims. Since there is no sharing of your network line with your neighbors you get the speed you’ve subscribed, like a DSL connection. Isn’t that neat?

Given the horrible customer service (I’ll soon write to you in detail about my story) and billing service that Comcast has got I’ve decided to make the move. I can report you back with some more facts after a month of usage.

You can get Verizon FiOS from here or by calling 1-800-616-4231.

Disclaimer: I don’t work for Verizon or any of it’s affiliates and the view expressed above is purely my own.

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