
iTunes 7 and QuickTime Conflict

In Misc, Tips N Tricks on September 15, 2006 at 7:09 pm

With all the buzz towards the latest iTunes 7 I thought I would give it a try. And so I downloaded and installed iTunes 7 on my home desktop.

The installation went thru fine without any problems. I thought…of course…it’s Apple’s. But when I tried to launch the new iTunes 7 it resisted by saying that iTunes7 requires the latest version of QuickTime (another Apple product).

I’ve noticed that when I was installing iTunes 7 there was an explicit installation step to install QuickTime as well. So I thought my QuickTime as well got upgraded. But iTunes 7 wasn’t been able to recognize that.

One simple action from me helped resolve the problem. It was just an inner thought in mine to launch the QuickTime player and see the version number made me to launch the QuickTime player. When I tried to launch then I realized that it was doing something to upgrade itself at that time. Now I know that was the problem. And so I closed the QuickTime player and then tried to launch iTunes 7 again…bingo!!!…it worked fine.

This kind of problem wasn’t there with the previous iTunes versions.

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  1. […] In one of my previous posts I’ve mentioned about iTunes 7 having trouble picking up the latest QuickTime 7 player the first time when you try to launch iTunes after the install. […]

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